Interesting Week .....
01/02/2015 19:27So end of another eventful week. Chemo starts again tomorrow so trying to keep bug free for this cycle of 7 days worth of injections. Blood tests, transfusions and I am having a PICC line inserted on Thursday too.
Well done to my colleague Lynne on completing her Dryathalon. Best wishes to Dave and Linda for a good week in their journey and thanks to all of my "MDS facebook Friends" who are a constant source of support and advice........... allowing us to share comments in a safe way.
Lynne completed the challenge .............
01/02/2015 00:00Well done to my colleague Lynne who completed her Dryatholon challenge raising funds for MDS and promoting Delete Blood Cancer and getting swabbed to be a potential stem cell donor......... in the process raising almot £500 for MDS. Brilliant achievement esp as she had a birthday in the middle of it !! Thanks Lynne .......
Great News - Donor Found
27/01/2015 16:40
So I had an appointment today with my transplant consultant at University Hospital Southampton, which went well.
In essence they have a good match (9/10) rather than the perfect 10 - he said I was slightly awkward or I think he meant my tissue type…… !!! In his opinion this was the best they were likely to get. In discussing the risks, it seems as if risks of complications are higher but still appear to be within the ball park 20% he talked about at my first meeting. We discussed the options and timing and he was really open and honest. They will scan again but he was clear that he did not feel a better solution was likley.
In terms of timing he wants me to have 2 / 3 more cycles of chemo and lose more weight !! So we appear to be working to May transplant possibly June. Next appointment in March will confirm more exact timings. I have already signed up with Macmillan excercise programme - first session on 12th February.
My potential donor and lifesaver is female and is in America - how good is that - and how thankful are we that this is possible. Bottom line is that is a great step forward as I was somewhat nervous when I saw a tweet from Leukemia Care this morning which said 50% of people with blood cancers don’t get the donor they need !!!
Feeling positive about the plan which has a structure to it and I hope to take strength from those people with MDS who are such a source of inspiration on MDS Forum.
Hospital Appointments
26/01/2015 09:00Looks like it is one of those weeks in terms of hospital appointments. Just back from my weekly blood test, I am expecting a transfusion on Wednesday, results later today. Tomorrow I see the transplant consultant at University Hospital Southampton, so will find out what progress there has been in finding a stem cell donor for me. Finally on Thusday I see my local consultant to discuss progress and whether I am fit enough to start my next cycle of chemotherapy, which all being well should be next week.
Lynne is on the final stages of her dryathalon raising funds for MDS so please offer whatever support you can.
Watching ..........and Good Luck Linda and Dave
23/01/2015 10:59MDS patient support group has a closed facebook page which is a fantastic source of support and positive thinking, from people and their carers who have been diagnosed with MDS. I wanted to set out support for two people and their families who are in hospital currently at slightly different stages of Stem Cell Transplant.
Good Luck Linda and Daave and all best wishes in your journey.
I hope that I hear news about my SCT soon.
Still Recovering and signed off!
20/01/2015 10:50As predicted blood test showed my Haemaglobin levels below target so I am in Day Unit for 2 Units of blood and platelets. Levels were not quite as low as I might have thought, looking at the positives. Usual cheerful and helpful staff at Day Unit, however time does drag.
In discussion with Nurse yesterday, consultant has signed me off for a further two weeks to be reviewed at my next clinic appointment. I find this a real struggle as I so much want to be back at work, but I am trying to recognise the impact of hospitalisation on me and that I am not in the best condition given MDS to deal with such things. As it happens I am still recovering slowly so I know they are right really!!
Have been in contact with work and really supportive.
Slower than I anticipated
18/01/2015 15:46Well been out of hospital 4 days, not surprisingly frustrated at how long its taking to get over the flu, infection and hopsitalisation. So having to take it easy. Blood test tomorrow and as I am sure my "battery" is running low - transfusion will follow as sure as night follows day. There is a great MDS facebook page for patients and carers and it is really supportive and good to share our experiences. Good Luck to Dave who is now in hospital going through the preparatory stages for his SCT....
Lynne only has 13 days to go on her Dryatholon and is raising funds for MDS - have a look at the link.
Thanks to Gosport Adult Services Area Office
17/01/2015 15:56Well done to all who donated cash instead of sending Xmas cards around the office to raise funds for a local hospice and MDS Patient Support Group. Thanks so much for thinking about MDS - it is really appreciated.
Getting on and getting better
12/01/2015 22:00Better day today, although did need more blood. IV antibiotics have changed to oral ones from tonight. Looks like daylight emerging in terms of a plan to get home in a couple of days. Obviously great support from my wonderful wife - seems I am destined to make it less than easy with my health!
Nice messages of support from work colleagues and my new membership of the "MDS gang" via the MDS Forum ..... a really inspirational bunch of people.
What a difference a week makes!
09/01/2015 00:00Well never really made it to Day 4 of chemo as feeling so poorly. Phoned the oncology helpline and all set in place to be admitted via A&E which worked really well, within 1 and a half hours had cannula in and first IV antibiotics and Saline sorted. Admitted onto ward quickly and battery of tests started.
By the end of Friday following a battery of tests - Diagnosis mutant strain of flu combined with my neutropenia was causing me problems. I could look forward to a stay in isolation with staff gowning up to see me. Chemo suspended for this cycle.